
Obstacles to Development

7th Annual Sociology of Development Conference

19–21 October 2018

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois

Development investments and interventions should ultimately lead to self-sustaining solutions that are supported by local governments, institutions, and stakeholders. There are many obstacles to such development efforts, however, that occur at multiple scales and extend over varying periods of time. Local actors, national inequalities, and regional policies may impede change, just as longstanding elements in the international economic system could also serve as significant obstacles to development.

The purpose of the Seventh Annual Sociology of Development Conference is to identify and explore some of the many obstacles to development present in the world today. We are seeking thought-provoking presentations and engaging conversations on numerous topics from a wide range of perspectives, approaches, scales, and disciplines. The University of Illinois is pleased to provide development scholars with an outstanding venue to exchange ideas and to explore the essential features of development’s underlying challenges.


Final Program

The final program can be found below. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Most panels include four papers. To ensure that there is sufficient time for questions and productive conversation, we ask that presenters of 4-paper panels limit their presentations to approximately 15 minutes. Those in 3-paper sessions should be prepared to speak for approximately 20 minutes.

We look forward to seeing you in October!

Brian Dill